The Backsippan Preschool


Short Description

The Backsippan (Pasque flower) preschool embodies a holistic approach. Everything has been thought through – from healthy materials in the building and fittings to non-toxic toys, added biodiversity and organic food – all with a view to creating Sweden’s healthiest preschool. This holistic approach has led to many smart solutions, in both the building and its surroundings, inspired throughout by the Cradle to Cradle concept, which among other things means that the preschool is designed to give all its stakeholders as much purposeful value as possible. Focus has, among other things, been on known, documented and safe materials, healthy indoor environment designed for children’s use and biodiversity in plant species. The building is prepared for recycling of building materials through information stored in a database. It is designed to make the most of the available energy on site.  Rooftop solar cells contribute to the power supply, a geothermal heat pump uses the temperature from bedrock to adjust indoor temperature, and excess heat from the kitchen is used to heat water.



Our intention is for Backsippan to be the healthiest preschool in Sweden. To make this happen, we have taken our inspiration from the Cradle to Cradle concept. The Cradle to Cradle focus came in late in the process of designing the preschool and it is the first building the municipality has built from scratch with the new guidelines and focus. It is a first step towards a safer, healthier and more prosperous Ronneby. A step we are most proud of. The municipality has chosen to apply the roadmap thinking to the building of preschools in Ronneby and not to make a roadmap for improvement for Backsippan specifically. Instead, the learnings and development potential are transferred to the next preschool the municipality is planning, Hulta. Nevertheless, all maintenance, renovation or change of the building follows the intentions.

More specifically, the municipality has focused on 7 intentions for Backsippan.

Healthy air and climate (comfort incl. sound)

We want to have a preschool with a healthy and regenerative indoor environment, where the teachers and children can grow, learn and enjoy their day and have energy left at the end of the day.  Elements: A. Healthy indoor air quality, B. Quieter environment, C. Purposeful and efficient lighting, D. Regenerative and relaxing environment

Healthy Materials

We want to use defined, safe and healthy materials for the preschool and the outdoor environment, to give the best possible preconditions for the children, teachers and the environment. Elements: A.3, Defined and safe materials, H. Elements from nature

Cultural Diversity, Quality of life, Multi-functionality and Design

We want an inclusive, open and flexible building and preschool with room for diversity, influence and social interaction now and in the future. Elements: K. Meeting places, L. Inclusive process, M. Delicious, organic and fresh food, N. Designed for disassembly, O. Spaces for children and multi-functionality

Healthy Water and Nutrient Recycling

We want to take care of and value the nutrients, water and heat. Elements: E. Utilize available energy –recapture heat, F. Recapture energy and nutrients from food scraps, G. Inspired curriculum

Biodiversity enhancement

We want to support and enhance the flora and fauna to strengthen the resilience of the biological ecosystems and create an environment for health and enjoyment. Elements: G. Inspired curriculum, H. Elements from nature I. Support and enhance biodiversity in flora and fauna, J. Flora and fauna for enjoyment

Renewable Energy-Positive

We want the preschool to use renewable energy and make use of the available energy at the site in a flexible way that is easy to update and renew. Elements: E. and P.  Utilize available energy

Healthy economy

We want the preschool to be a flagship for economic development inspired by Cradle to Cradle in Ronneby, inspire the local businesses and be cost effective in comparison with other preschools.

Intended Use

The building is intended to be used as a preschool and as a meeting place in the village. Flexible architecture allows other uses over time.


Project Architect: Zijad Bico

Project Developers: Municipality of Ronneby, William Lavesson

Project Engineer & Contractor: JSB

