Lyceum Schravenlant


Short Description

Lyceum Schravenlant is a public secondary school for senior general secondary education and pre-university education and is part of the Schiedam Foundation for Public Secondary Education (Stichting Openbare Scholengroep Vlaardingen Schiedam: OSVS).

The new building accommodates approximately 600 pupils and, including two gym halls, has a gross surface area of about 6150 m2. Lyceum Schravenlant should serve, among other things, as a meeting place for pupils from a variety of backgrounds and be a ‘home base’ where they learn to work together in a pleasant and safe environment. With its new accommodation, the school has the ambition of operating optimally within the social context; realizing a healthy, future-orientated, multi-functional, and flexible or adaptable building with a modern and robust look.

The school should also be safe from a social point of view and easy to get to for a variety of target groups and by a variety of transport means. Schravenlant wishes to realize a small-scale warm environment within a uniformly adaptable structure, where the atmosphere and look will be determined in particular by the design.

Both the school and the municipality have very high ambitions with regard to sustainability, within which the Cradle to Cradle principle serves as an inspiration. All kinds of ways are being considered for making the school as sustainable as possible in its entirety. The concept of a long life span is the starting point for this, with the focus on the total building and period of use, in order to make sustainable solutions feasible.

Cradle to Cradle

This school is a new pilot project based on the philosophy of Cradle to Cradle. The ambition for this school to create a healthy, energy positive building in co-creation with the pupils makes it a real showcase for students and other parties to learn about the impact we have on the environment. The idea to use the Cradle to Cradle concept as inspiration for the new school, came from the students themselves. Since they are the most important stakeholder, their initiative has been and will be fully supported by teachers, management and munici­pality. The involvement of students in their new school is absolutely crucial to realize a positive learning environment. The students’ creativity, behavior and consciousness on what is important in a learning environment are crucial input for the design and have been involved in the final results.

The building has been awarded with several nominations and awards like the award for sustainable architecture in the Netherlands 2014.


  • The building has to provide in its own energy. In 10 years it has to produce a surplus of energy.

  • The building has to be an educational instrument for the pupils getting taught in it.

  • The building has to provide living space for small regional wild life.

  • Green in on and around the building has to provide clean air.

  • Materials can be reused in other circumstances

  • The building can adapt to as well shrink as growth of users

  • The building can be adapted to a different kind of user

Intended Use

Classrooms, sports accommodation, offices, meeting rooms.


Project Architect:

Thomas Bögl LIAG architecten en bouwadviseurs



Project Engineers & Contractors:

Installations: Vintis – Zoetermeer
Projectmanagement: HEVO – Den Bosch
Civil Engineer: Van de Laar – Eindhoven
Interieur: Ateliers – Delft
Consultant Building Physics: Peutz – Mook

Project Showcase

There are no delights.